Wednesday, January 16, 2013


 The best place to start a story would be the beginning. B's behavior really started to show when he started Kindergarten. We constantly got reports of  can't stay in seat, he is very active, talking and not listening to teachers. In December of that school year is when we had an RTI meeting with his teacher and school personal. RTI stands for response to Intervention is suppose to help prevent students from being placed in special education or having 504 plans. The RTI Process allows for interventions to be placed into the student's work to help them not to struggle.
        The first meeting did not go as My husband and I expected. His teacher had nothing positive to say about our child and felt that the only solution was to hold him back a grade. In February of that year my husband deployed and his attitude and behavior seemed to dramatically change. I continued to struggle with the school and his teacher not really helping him. At one particular meeting i mentioned feeling that B had a learning disability his teachers reply was "I'm not concerned with him having a learning disability Im more concerned with his immaturity." I was shocked and not sure how to reply back to her. At the end of the year RTI meeting it was suggested he be held back, my husband and I has talked about it and had decided against.
        The following year of first grade he was placed in an EIP classroom. We thought this would be best but soon was getting the same messages from last year. We had our first RTI meeting within the first two months of school where i requested for him to be tested for a learning disability. Testing was completed within that month and results given to us the following month. After we got results i had to take them to his pediatrician which was a pointless trip because she just gave us a number for a psychologist and sent us on our way. Finally in December we were able to see the psychologist and 11 test later and over 300 questions filled out by me we completed testing. A month later we finally got the answers we needed.
          We left with a diagnosis of of ADHD, depression, and Oppositional defiant disorder. With his father still gone you can say I was suddenly overwhelmed. The psychologist had few answers to how to help him the main one being medication. Without a doubt my husband and I had decided that we did not want to use medication.So that was out of the question.
          So far though our journey has just begun the main solution from any doctor or any person has been medication. I have researched web pages and beginning to start reading any book that I can to hopefully find some answers or solutions on how to handle him.